Thank You to Our AMERICA Supporters

To all our friends out there, In these days of campaigns, when every political candidate is out there running for Student Council President, County Prosecutor, Senator, Representative or President, bombarding you and me with tin cups and hats pleading for your money, I am sorry to come knocking on your door with my hat in my hands. […]

Concert for Cuba (July 18 & 19)

Musicians, Artists to Unite in the World’s First “Concert for Cuba” Pacifica is a media sponsor of the Concert for Cuba which is a special 2-day event, a tribute recognizing the distinct contributions by Cuba to the world during the COVID-19 pandemic and for the past 26 years. The two 3-hour-long concerts will be broadcast […]

Interesting Media: David Soul

At the kitchen table of his London flat, David Soul is re-enacting the 1974 auditions for Starksy & Hutch, except he’s not playing Hutch—the blond, blue-eyed California detective who made him one of the biggest TV stars in the world. He’s playing Starsky—or, technically, Starsky actor Paul Michael Glaser. “This guy walked in, who I […]

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