Read why songwriter Tony Macaulay sang verses of this hit song to his dog

British songwriter Tony Macaulay has a catalog of songs that is chock full of hits. But his smash No. 1, “Don’t Give Up on Us,” he says is his favorite of them all. Maybe because of how it came to be, maybe because of who sang it and maybe because it seemed like a bit […]
“The Light Shines in the Darkness”

When our family left Sioux Falls, South Dakota, in 1949 (I was six) on our first trip to Berlin, our arrival was only a few months after the end of the 1948-49 Berlin Airlift. We were housed in the American sector of West Berlin, where my father, Dr Richard Solberg, a history and political science […]
David performs “Bullet in the Brain” by Tobias Wolff

The WORDTheatre® Short Story Podcast is your weekly access to the best short stories brought to life by great actors with the writers in the room to hear their stories read. These performances were recorded live at venues across the U.S.—from Los Angeles to Manhattan to East Hampton, NY—and the U.K.—from London to Oxford to […]