Cuban Soul car doc to go global

Starline Entertainment is set to deliver the David Soul classic car documentary Cuban Soul to the global marketplace Produced by Ces Terranova for Red Earth Studio and Peter Duncan, the documentary began life in 2012 as a tribute to Ernest Hemingway and the fabled car he drove in Cuba. An actor and singer, Soul (Starsky […]
Lancaster Insurance interviews David Soul

What has been the highlight of your career?Guess I’d have to say longevity! I began as a singer in 1963 long before I became an actor, so I’m pushing 50 years in this business. Hard to believe I’ve managed to fool ’em for that long. Anyway, because there are so many memories, so many “highlights” […]
‘Starsky & Hutch’s’ David Soul starring in documentary about Cuba, Hemingway

Cuban Soul focuses on the writer’s time in Cuba, his missing 1955 Chrysler New Yorker convertible, and its restoration after being found Starsky & Hutch’s David Soul is starring in Greg Atkins’ documentary Cuban Soul, which focuses on the island state, its cars and Ernest Hemingway’s time there. The Hemingway-obsessed Soul is described by the […]