David Soul Responds to Wisconsin’s Attorney General

Attorney General Brad Schimel is taking on Huggy Bear from the old Starsky & Hutch television series In a nutshell, Schimel said, “Huggy Bear helped foster the notion that prostitution is harmless.” He added that pimp Halloween costumes also foster that perception. Below is David’s reply. Feel free to pass it around and send it […]

Letters from the Grave

What a splendid, moving ceremony the funeral was, with just the right amount of tears as I was lowered into the pit at Highgate Cemetery. I’m surprised none of your people tried to crash the funeral. But then, I guess it’s a case of out-of-sight, out-of-mind, huh? By the way, did you know that Highgate […]

David Soul Responds to Editors of Globe Magazine

Letters From the Grave RE: ‘THE STARSKY & HUTCH DEATHBED REUNION’ To the editor of the Globe, April 4, 2017 First I thought to myself, “Gee, that’s a pretty low blow; DEATHBED REUNION!… but, but, but…. I ain’t dead yet.” And then I thought, “My God, these lizards finally got something right! How did they […]

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